Goal Setting

Making time….

 So today I was reminded about how important it is to make the time for the things that are most important.  It's too easy for other (less important things to distract us and take us off track.  It's not even that complicated or confusing..... IT'S JUST THE TRUTH!!!...

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Formula for Success

More on achieving Goals/Attaining success So here’s a cute little piece I found on “Success”.  It’s actually advice from the well known children’s book Winnie-the-Pooh on Success.  The stranger gives the animals ideas on how they can be successful. “What does the...

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So what’s getting in YOUR way?

What’s getting in your way? So today I thought I’d blog about the things that get in the way of people accomplishing their goals.  We are in the last week of the 1st year of the month, and this is the time when many people are facing the reality of slipping back into...

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